Monday, January 12, 2015

2015 A Whole New Year

Last year my One Little Word was enjoy. The previous few years had been a struggle with health issues, realizing I have limits and I can't do everything. I was tired. 2014, I was feeling more healed and refreshed, health wise and mentally. Ready to re-discover forgotten joys and bring more things back into my life that I enjoyed. Refuelling the passion and most importantly helping me be much happier for my family. 
Enjoy the little things and get back to simple. 
Life is too short. I am proud of what I have accomplished. And there is always the need to remember "enjoy" and keep doing that. It was a great word for me. 

Now heading into 2015 I have chosen STRIVE! 
Definition & goals:

* strive to make great efforts to achieve or obtain success business wise and continue to try to better balance business and family for my husband and children. 

* Life seems to pass by like a speeding bullet and I don't make enough time to just be with friends. This year for me personally I need to strive to continue to maintain and better build the friendships who are good for my soul, the people who we understand each other (just get each other), have fun & laughter together and bring love unconditionally into my life. I have amazing friendships that have been with me on this journey for a long time. I know they are there when I need them and have had some wonderful new friendships emerge the last little while and just instantly connect. I have missed being me. :)

* struggle or fight vigorously, make an effort, exert oneself, do one's best, do all one can do, do one's utmost... With some renewed energy I'm ready to tackle my life with more determination, perseverance and strive.

This includes Striving to find that "voice" for my blog. LOL
I have been struggling with this. What should I say, what should I share, what will people find interesting. The truth is I just need to start sharing. Begin with what I accomplished last year. Rediscovering my joy and creative spirit. Focusing on everything I ENJOY. As I keep that focus everything I strive for this year will fall into place. So here I will share my creative moments. Crafty & Arty Projects that I'm working on, my GSIB pride and joy as everything that happens there is my joy and my renewal to my spirit and of course daily snippets into my chaotic life at home. Being a mom to 3 busy and activity involved kidlets, plus both parents owing their own businesses, allows us some flexibility, but also creates mass chaos with who's with which kids and where... some days it is quite comical looking back on the day, though I wish I could say in the moment was funny too. But it's usually not. 

On my Creative bucket list this year:

* Finish my December Daily 2015 ( I did finish 2014 - YAY - big happy dance). 2008, 2011 and 2012 ended up in the works this Christmas. I don't know how but they did, but they are a "when I have time" project.

* Finish 2014 Project Life Album and work on 2015 at the same time.

* Middle Child's baby book is almost finished. I need to fill in the gaps and do my journalling.

* My Bahamas trip from 2008 is almost done. So I probably should finish that... 

I have begun crafting this past year. Re-discovering my joy for paint and mixed media. 
My number one priority this year, is to get making more projects and start attending craft shows again. I have missed this community. Loving meeting new like minded artisans and re-connecting with ones I haven't seen in a long time. It is like being in the arms of an old friend again and coming home. The point is - it needs to be fun. I need to enjoy it and I need to strive to make it a priority and make time for it.
It will be hard, and I expect some days, weeks, etc I may have to focus on other things. But as long as I am doing something creative each day - I will need it for my reminder to get back to my goal. It also helps I have a 7.5 year old that thinks art is life. What better encouragement and reminder do I need than her? She will keep me on track!

You can also find daily snippets into my life with Instagram @gonescrapnbloom

So cheers to hearing more from me this year! I promise to not be a stranger this year.